Re-home Your Akita

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The Akita Rescue & Welfare Trust (UK) - known informally as the ARW - was founded by a group dedicated Akita enthusiasts who felt there was a need for a society devoted to the rescue, welfare and protection of both the American and Japanese type of Akitas within the UK.




The group decided from the beginning that not only was there a need of a rescue and re-homing service, but also that the breed needed a body who would be able to give unbiased opinions to the general public on the welfare and health aspects of this wonderful breed.

The ARW now has reps and co-ordinators working across the country, advising owners, rescuing, re-homing and retraining Akitas. All members of the ARW work for the charity on a completely voluntary basis. This is a completely non-profit making organisation with no wage being taken by anyone and only minimal expenses being claimed where absolutely necessary.

We assist in the re-homing of dogs from all UK rescue organisations such as the RSPCA, the Dogs Trust, Battersea Dogs' Home and many of the County Councils' dog pounds, as well as advising them on the correct way of assessing Akita temperament.

The number of Akitas with problems being brought to our attention is currently growing day by day, which is a great concern to all of us at the ARW. The only way we feel we can reverse this trend is to go forward with our education programme in the hope that this may save the lives of some of our magnificent dogs.


Summary & Notes

We work nationwide all over the UK
We are a registered charity, governed by the regulations of the Charities Commission of England & Wales, and are fully accountable and open to all the people who work with us
There are many co-ordinators to work with you
We have a national telephone help line which costs no more than a local rate phonecall
We are in contact with all the main breeders
We can set up home visits for owners
We carry out frequent dog assessments
We can manage the re-homing of rescue dogs
We offer education and advice to current and prospective owners
We are fully independent of any other body
We rely on sponsorship and donations to enable us to carry on our work

The Akita Rescue & Welfare Trust (UK) is a registered charity number 1112054.